Poppin' bottles!
I (Kev) have always wanted to work in a pub. Yesterday on my way to Halfpipe skate in West London to deliver them a new batch of boards, I saw a notice on the door of The Rocket pub in Euston saying that they were looking for staff, after a filling in a brief application got told that I got the job half an hour later. I started work that night and the place is fucking rad. They've got a good selection of brew at a decent price, pool tables, big T.V.s and all of the staff are friendly as fuck! It's definitely worth a check out if you're in the area!
I had a skate down Stockwell on Friday which was pretty sick, it took a fucking age to get to on the bus as there was a pretty gnarly shoot out in the Camberwell area the other day. It was a bit wet there though but still fun. When it got dark myself and a few other chumps got a few tinnies from the shop and headed to Blackfriars to skate the ledges on John Carpenter street and then the banks for a mellow sesh to kill it off. After a while I needed a piss and they had a pretty good anti drink driving ad in the pub next to the banks when you go into the cubicle. Go and check that out if you're in the area too!
Anyways on a random one, here's a photo of Doug doing a frontside lipslipe over the sketchy as fuck ledge which bridges the Gonz gap at Royal Oak (or Meanwhile 2 depending on what your preferred name is.) It isn't there anymore seeing as Freestyle resurfaced the park as well as adding new bits to the street course and they had to take the ledge down. The colours ended up being a bit dodgy on the photo, but I thought that I might as well put it up here as it won't see the light of day anywhere else!

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