Just over a year has passed
since the first batch of Gyppo Army boards arrived at "the office" and a fair bit has changed since then, looking back, it has been a good year full of ups and ups and downs but overall it's been worth it. I can't wait to see what the next year brings, probably even more drinking on street kerbs, smoking roll ups under doorways getting some protection from rain, jamming in the back of vans to get to the next skate spot on the road which never seems to end...
I did end up getting a chocolate cheesecake made, but I was hungry and ate it before we ended up writing anything on it. To be honest, I was more keen to write "Yammin' 'n' papsin'" on it, but decided on saving the milky bars which were going to be used for it for another day.
I decided to pike a picture from Google from "Alex's" first birthday. God knows who Alex is, or if he'd be stoked on having a picture of his cake up here, but it is....

Doug, Elliot, Rupert and Kev were at War of the Roses this weekend. Kev and Elliot won some cash at Leeds, Elliot for doing a nollie front foot flip over the big hip and Kev in the bowl. Doug slammed horribly and you might have seen him walking around the park with his balls in his hand whilst Rupert got a megabus which took 7 hours from Brighton and spent most of his time lurking outside playing games of skate. Gyppo Army friend Bam Boy (a.k.a. Alex Lally) somehow got up to Leeds and won some serious loot in the unsponsored vert wall comp, he then ended up lurkin' on Powley's floor and in his van and made his way to Blackpool and then back to London, whilst winning even more loot at Blackpool!